Children who are 3 or 4 years old by September 1st are eligible for our free NM Mixed-Age PreK program. Spaces are limited, please contact the school for more information.
ECECD Childcare Assistance
New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department (formerly CYFD) provides child care assistance to working families with children ages 18 months to 5 years during the regular school year, and 18 months to 13 years for the Summer Enrichment Program. Family qualification is based on income and work hours. GMS is a five-star provider with ECECD’s FOCUS TQRIS Program. ECECD has recently expanded eligibility! If you think you might qualify for assistance we encourage you to apply through your local ECECD office. The link to apply is: https://eligibility.ececd.nm.gov/eligibility/public/home.page;jsessionid=XvxJpiyYeE1lidPaixN7OC5L1DIo46f9TWYYorEr.ececd-aie-prod-76bb9bc6f-5hs78?dswid=3715 or you can contact their office (details listed below).
Contact: Grant County ECECD Child Care Services Bureau
3082 32nd St Bypass
PO Box 1444
Silver City NM 88062-1444
Phone: 575-538-2061
GMS recognizes that families wishing to enroll their children will be coming from varying financial positions. The Mission of our school is to serve children from diverse backgrounds in reaching their highest potential, and so in addition to offering free NM PreK and accepting ECECD Childcare Assistance, we also offer individual scholarships for families in need as funding allows. If you are interested in applying for financial aid please contact the school at 575-388-3343 option 3.